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Early Intervention


Early Intervention at Tranquility Dentistry

Children between the ages of 7-9 are still growing and this allows us to help influence their growth. Many people are aware that teenagers often benefit from braces but in certain cases children can benefit from treatment as well.

It is important for parents that while your child is growing, we recommend some options which can help their new teeth position themselves better, before braces are needed (or sometimes to avoid needing braces at all). It is important that you discuss with us any concerns you have about your child’s teeth or jaw positions early, as we can prepare a long-term plan – even if that starts with ‘wait two years and start saving’ – which we believe is better than finding out too late!

If this is something you would like more information about, we provide in-house options for fixed and removable orthodontics so please let us know at your next appointment, so we can give you an amazing result.

Early Treatment Can:

Reduce or occasionally eliminate time in braces

Reduce the need for tooth removal

Reduce accidental trauma to protruding teeth

Create space for crowded or erupting teeth

Influence facial symmetry by guiding jaw growth

In teenagers and adults, we can still achieve straight teeth however we can no longer influence jaw growth or enhance facial symmetry. Early intervention can prevent future bite problems and in some cases eliminate the need for later orthodontics altogether.

We are committed
to your health and well-being.